Today we were able to get out the door with the family and four dogs and go for a hike over at Stringer's Ridge. We made it for a 2.5 mile dog walk before the freezing rain started flying. Now all of the tired dogs are crashed out around the house and we are watching college football.
Friday Weight Training:
Airdyne, 2 minutes
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
PVC Wraparound, 20 repetitions
Foam Roller Work
Weight Training:
Snatch, 2 repetitions each at 60%, 70%, 80% and 85%
Clean and Jerk, 2 repetitions each at 60%, 70%, 80% and 85%
Super Set: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. No rest between exercises. Four sets total.
Front Squat, 4 repetitions at 75%
Alternating Behind the Neck and Front Rack Push Press, 4 repetitions
Abdominal Work and Mobility:
AbMat Sit-Up, 50 repetitions
Banded Shoulder Stretches
Hamstring Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch
Have a Great Day and Happy New Year!!