Saturday, December 31, 2016

Friday Lifting to a Saturday Rest Day

I have made the ingenious move (that is sarcasm...) away from lifting on Saturdays. I was lifting on Saturdays and resting Fridays but as my Sunday training runs have gotten longer and longer, lifting Fridays and resting on Saturdays just made more sense. I tried to run over two hours after squatting one Saturday morning and it felt like my legs were made of lead.

Today we were able to get out the door with the family and four dogs and go for a hike over at Stringer's Ridge. We made it for a 2.5 mile dog walk before the freezing rain started flying. Now all of the tired dogs are crashed out around the house and we are watching college football.

Friday Weight Training:
Airdyne, 2 minutes
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
PVC Wraparound, 20 repetitions
Foam Roller Work
Weight Training:
Snatch, 2 repetitions each at 60%, 70%, 80% and 85%
Clean and Jerk, 2 repetitions each at 60%, 70%, 80% and 85%
Super Set: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. No rest between exercises. Four sets total.
Front Squat, 4 repetitions at 75%
Alternating Behind the Neck and Front Rack Push Press, 4 repetitions
Abdominal Work and Mobility:
AbMat Sit-Up, 50 repetitions
Banded Shoulder Stretches
Hamstring Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch

Have a Great Day and Happy New Year!!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Quick Post

Just got my Thursday marathon training in. We have family visiting for the holidays so I am going to make this quick.

Marathon Training:
Run, one and a half hours
Hamstring Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

RIP Leia Organa, Good Riddance to 2016 and the Workout

Overall, 2016 was a great year. We got started in the amazing town of Chattanooga, we have a wonderful little house and we brought a great new little dog into our family. However, I feel like 2016 is trying to kill off my childhood and adolescence!! David Bowie, Prince, Carrie Fisher, and now George Michael?! I am ready for 2017 to come along and hit the reset button.

Airdyne, 2 minutes
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
PVC Wraparound, 20 repetitions
Foam Roller Work
Weight Training:
Hang Clean from the Hip, 4 sets of 3 repetitions at 80% of 1-RM
Super Set: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. No rest between exercises. Three sets total.
Back Squat, 4 repetitions at 80% of 1-RM
Bent Over Barbell Row, 5 repetitions

Power Snatch from the Block, 4 set of 2 repetitions at 75%

Super Set: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. No rest between exercises. Three sets total.
Snatch Pull, 2 repetitions at 95% of 1-RM
Dumbbell Incline Press, 3 repetitions

AbMat Sit-Up, 50 repetitions
Banded Shoulder Stretches
Hamstring Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Rare Day with the Whole Family and the Upper Body EMOM

Today was a day without an alarm clock! we were able to sleep in until Biscuit decided that he had had enough of this sleeping thing and started making sure we knew he was awake!! We got good dog walking in, cleaned the gutters and straightened up the backyard. We will have family coming to visit soon... two more people and two Labradors!! We will see how our little house holds up!

Today I did another upper body workout to give my legs a break after the long run yesterday.

Jump Rope, 100 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
PVC Wraparound, 20 repetitions
Weight Training:
Every Minute on the Minute: Perform one set of each of the following exercises, every minute on the minute. Three sets of each exercise total.
Bench Press, 10 repetitions
Bent Over Barbell Row, Supine Grip, 10 repetitions
Seated Barbell Overhead Press, 10 repetitions
Banded Shoulder Stretches
Hamstring Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch
Foam Roller Work

Have a Great Day!!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Marathon Training in the Christmas Fog!!

I had a great run today along the Chattanooga Riverwalk Park. It was a wonderfully warm morning in the high 50's and there was a thick fog along the Tennessee River. It makes a lot of sense why so many Scots-Irish settled in this area.... it felt like I was running in the Highlands!!

Marathon Training:
Run, 2 hours and 45 minutes
Quadriceps Stretch
Hamstring Stretch

Have a Great Day and a Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 23, 2016

I Survived and the Workout

I have officially made it through "The Peak Season" at UPS and will now celebrate with three straight days with at least eight hours of sleep!! It was also a great day for some Olympic lifting!!

Jumping Jack, 50 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
PVC Wraparound, 20 repetitions
Weight Training:
Hang Snatch from the Hip, 60% 3 repetitions, 70% 3 repetitions, 75% 3 repetitions, 65% 3 repetitions
Super Set: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Four sets total.
Front Squat, 72% 5 repetitions
Strict No Kip Pull-Up, 7 repetitions
Power Clean from the Hip, 60% 3 repetitions, 65% 3 repetitions, 70% 3 repetitions, 75% 3 repetitions
Super Set: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Four sets total.
Clean Pull, 90% 3 repetitions
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press, 5 repetitions

Have a Great Day!!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Beautiful Day for a Run

It was gorgeous here today here in Chattanooga!! Great day for a run!

Marathon Training:
Run, 1.5 hours
Quadriceps Stretch
Hamstring Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Being a Movie Critic and the Workout

We went to a matinee viewing of "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" today. I grew up in the late seventies to eighties so the Star Wars movies have been a huge part of my life. Rogue One was quite good in my opinion. The story line was very good... I would have liked a bit more of Forest Whitaker... but what I liked most was that they kept a style that was very similar to the original Episode IV movie. I will say two thumbs up from me!!

Jump Rope, 100 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
PVC Wraparound, 20 repetitions
Weight Training:
Hang Clean from the Hip, 60% 3 repetitions, 70% 3 repetitions, 75% 3 repetitions, 65% 3 repetitions
Super Set: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Four sets total.
Back Squat, 72% 6 repetitions
Bent Over Barbell Row, 8 repetitions
Power Snatch from the Hip, 60% 3 repetitions, 65% 3 repetitions, 70% 3 repetitions, 75% 3 repetitions
Super Set: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Four sets total.
Snatch Pull, 90% 3 repetitions
Bench Press, 5 repetitions

Have a Great Day!!

Monday, December 19, 2016

When You Want The Most Strength Training Bang for Your Workout Buck....

Squat. After working from midnight to 7:30am I spent a good chunk of the day resting. I did however want to get a workout in tonight and focused on the big three: squat, deadlift, and bench press. Time was at a premium.... and if I only have time for one strength training exercise it will always be the squat. Tonight it was the front squat.

Jumping Jack, 50 repetitions
Weight Training:
Front Squat, 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Deadlift, 5 sets of 1-2 repetitions
Bench Press, 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Banded Shoulder Stretches
Quadriceps Stretch
Hamstring Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Weather is Wearing Out My Rowing Machine?!

Brutal winter weather here this morning... there was no way I was running today. Hopped on the rowing machine prior to working in the gym this afternoon.

Row, 10,000 meters
Quadriceps Stretch
Hamstring Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Friday Afternoon Workout and a Saturday Rest Day

Last night I went into the gym and did my Olympic lifting. It was nice because the facility was practically empty but the best part is that I can take Saturday off completely! It works out well for a couple of reasons: 1) I was able to sleep in without setting an alarm and it wasn't until our little Blue Heeler Biscuit heard me moving around that I had to wake up. 2) Doing squats on Friday gives my legs a whole day to recover before I run 15+ miles on Sunday?! Huge.

Airdyne, 2 minutes
Foam Roller Work
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
Weight Training:
Snatch, 6 repetitions at 75%, 3 repetitions at 80%, 2 repetitions at 85%
Clean and Jerk, 8 repetitions at 75%, 3 repetitions at 80%, 9 repetitions at 85%
Back Squat, 4 sets of 8 repetitions at 68%
Alternating Front and Behind the Neck Push Press, 4 sets of 6 repetitions
GHD Sit-Up, 20 repetitions
Banded Shoulder Stretches
Quadriceps Stretch
Hamstring Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

RIP Craig Sager and Cold Weather Equals Rowing

Pretty bummed with the passing of NBA sideline reporting legend Craig Sager. Sager was charismatic, fun, a fashion icon, but above all else a professional. You know you are a good reporter when you get Popovich to actually answer a question?!

I worked this morning and came home to temperatures in the 20s. The weather here in Chattanooga is nice enough regularly that I did not feel bad hunkering inside and rowing instead of running today.

Row, 5000m
Quadriceps Stretch
Hamstring Stretch

Have a Great Day!! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Quick Workout Post after Being Knocked Out by Eggnog!!

I got derailed today by day drinking eggnog after working from 2:00am-9:30am. Drank some and passed right out! Ha!! So I ended up Olympic lifting in the garage gym this evening!

Jump Rope, 100 skips
Weight Training:
Snatch, 5 sets of 3 repetitions at 70% of 1-RM
Clean and Jerk, 5 sets of 3 repetitions at 70% of 1-RM
Front Squat, 5 sets of 5 repetitions at 50% of 1-RM
AbMat Sit-Up, 50 repetitions
Banded Shoulder Stretches
Hamstring Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Resting the Legs and Upper Body Workout

After yesterday's run and then nine hours on my feet I am going to give my legs a day off. Today will just be a focus on upper body and sleeping before my 2:05 am work start time.

Jumping Jack, 50 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 10 repetitions
PVC Wraparound, 10 repetitions
Weight Training:
Bench Press, 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Upright Row, 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Standing Military Press, 3 sets of 10 repetitions
AbMat Butterfly Sit-Up, 50 repetitions
Banded Shoulder Stretches
Hamstring Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Busy Sunday!

Long marathon training day, working at the gym and having to be at UPS at 10 pm?! Going to sleep right after this is posted.

Marathon Training:
Run, 2.5 hours
Quadriceps Stretch
Hamstring Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Figuring Out One's Schedule and the Workout

I am a creature of habit and I had a great schedule going with my life and exercise. UPS's crazy peak season schedule has really messed with that schedule. Now a couple of weeks in, I think I have figured out that I just cannot get to the gym on Mondays. I will powerlift at home on Mondays. It is however reasonable for me to get into the gym on Wednesdays and on Saturdays. My Thursday and Sunday runs still seem doable. Work in progress.

On my rest day yesterday we were able to find what seems to be the perfect Christmas tree! I however have refused to decorate until the homemade egg nog is made. Stay tuned for updates.

Airdyne, 2 minutes
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
Foam Roller Work
Weight Training:
Snatch, 7 sets of 3 repetitions at 80% of 1-RM
Clean and Jerk, 6 sets of 4 repetitions at 80% of 1-RM
Back Squat, 4 sets of 8 repetitions at 65% of 1-RM
Alternating Push Press and Behind the Neck Push Press, 4 sets of 8 repetitions
Banded Shoulder Stretches
Quadriceps Stretch
Hamstring Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Quick Post on a Nice Cold Day!

I am exhausted after work and running. Just going to say it was a great cold, clear day in Red Bank, Tennessee for a run!

Marathon Training:
Run, one and a half hours
Quadriceps Stretch
Hamstring Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Back in the Gym, Back to Community

I have started to get used to my schedule at UPS during peak season and I was able to rest after work and get into Bridge City Strength and Performance to lift today. It is not that I have to go in to exercise.... I have all the equipment and space I need to exercise at home. What I value at Bridge City is the community of people that I have come to enjoy exercising with. Not only do I get support and coaching while lifting, I talk with people about their lives and how things are going for them. It is the place where I go to get away from other aspects of my life and spend time with nice people. Invaluable.

Airdyne, 2 minutes
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
Foam Roller Work
Weight Training:
Hang Snatch, Start at 60% of 1-RM and work up to a one repetition maximum lift in 7 sets total.
Super Set: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Four sets total with no rest between exercises.
Front Squat, 5 repetitions at 60% of 1-RM
Strict, No Kip Pull-Up, 8 repetitions
Power Clean from the Block, 4 sets of 5 repetitions at 65% of 1-RM
Super Set: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Four sets total with no rest between exercises.
Clean Pull, 4 repetitions from 80%-90% of 1-RM
Standing Military Press, 8 repetitions
Banded Shoulder Stretches
Hamstring Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Monday, December 5, 2016

What Can Brown Do For Me?! How About a Little Sleep?!

Had to show up at work at 11:00 pm on Sunday to load packages so the deliveries could head out on Monday morning. It is this simple: The trucks have to be loaded early in the morning so that they can get out for their deliveries. If there are more packages during the busiest season of the year, then the people that need to load those trucks have no choice but to come in earlier. The more packages that there are, the sooner we need to be there.

After working all night, I did a dumbbell workout at home to maximize my rest.

Row, 500m
Weight Training:
Dumbbell Chest Press, 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press, 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Goblet Squat, 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Bent Over Dumbbell Row, 3 sets of 10 repetitions with each side
Alternating Dumbbell Curl, 3 sets of 10 repetitions per side
Shoulder Stretches
Hamstring Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Rainy Day Option

Forty degrees and raining.... not running today.

Row, 5000m
Foam Roller Work
Hamstring Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch

Have a Great Day!!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Friday Rest and Saturday Back to Olympic Lifting

Yesterday was a wonderful day. It was a scheduled rest day from running and the gym and we decided to go to a movie, something we have not done for a long time. It is a rare thing for me to go to a movie and leave feeling like I have actually gotten my money's worth. We saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and we loved it! Highly recommended by me, especially if you like Harry Potter. I am a fan of the Niffler.

Today I got back into the gym and got back to Olympic lifting a bit. It was good to be back.

Airdyne, 2 minutes
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
Foam Roller Work
Weight Training:
Snatch, All percentages of 1-RM: 60% 3 repetitions, 70% 2 repetitions, 75% 2 repetitions, 80%, 85%, 90%, 93%, 96%, 96%, 98% and 100% for 1 repetition each
Clean and Jerk, All percentages of 1-RM: 60% 3 repetitions, 70% 2 repetitions, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 93%, 96%, 98% and 100% for 1 repetition each
Front Squat, 70% of 1-RM 3 sets of 3 repetitions
AbMat Sit-Up, 50 repetitions
Hamstring Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch
Banded Shoulder Stretches

Have a Great Day!!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Running on a Beautiful Day!!

As I write this I am trying to keep from going face down onto my keyboard. A good date a work followed by a great run on an absolutely gorgeous day here in the Tennessee River Valley. I have decided that running in temperatures in the mid-50s is damn near perfect.

Marathon Training:
Run, Hour and a Half
Hamstring Stretch
Quadriceps Stretch

Have a Great Day!!