Monday, August 11, 2014

Heavy Back Day and a Recipe to Die For!!

My partner Rebecca and I are kind of all over the place these days with me working for NOLS while she is in her third year of medical school. We do however try very hard to get up each morning to have breakfast together and then make dinner in the evening. Sometimes meals are more elaborate than others. Tonight we are having Roast Trout with Bacon and Herbs, brown rice and steamed broccoli.

Today's quote is from Jim Gaffigan:

"You wanna hear how good bacon is? To improve other food they wrap it in bacon. If it wasn't for bacon, we wouldn't even know what a water chestnut is. 'Thank you bacon. Sincerely Water Chestnut the Third.'"

Weight Training: Back
Warm-Up: Perform each exercise in order to complete one set. Three sets total.
SISU Warhammer Swings, 10 repetitions per side
Tire Flip, one repetition
Overhead Backward 40lb. Sand Bag Toss, one repetition
5m Rope Climb, one repetition

Weightlifting: Three sets of 6-8 repetitions unless otherwise stated.
Dumbbell Pullovers
One Armed Bent Over Dumbbell Row
Upright Barbell Row
TRX Rows, 3 sets 20 repetitions each
Weighted Pull-Ups Bodyweight +35lb.
Deadlift, 3 sets of 1 repetition ending at 1.4 times bodyweight

Have a Great Day!

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