The WOD today was a modified version of one that has been done here in the past: The Day Laborer. The one exercise that isn't pretty self explanatory is the Atlas Stone Squat.
Start by finding an atlas stone that you can wrap your arms around in a hug with it firmly against your chest. You should be able to grasp hands on the far side of the stone and hold it in that position. That is most likely lighter than one you may use on a stone lift onto a platform. Once you find the appropriate sized stone place it on a 48" platform. When you are ready to exercise, hug the stone and step back from the platform and start squatting. I have found that a wide stance and focusing on having the chest and stone up keeps you in a good posture and is the key to success.
Today's quote is from Theodore Roosevelt:
"It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things."
Morning Lifting Routine: Legs
Dumbbell Box Squats
Dumbbell Lunges
Barbell Front Squats
Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Bodyweight Calf Raises
Glute/Hamstring Developer
Evening WOD: Modified Day Laborer
Prisoner Step-Ups, 3 sets 20 repetitions
30" Box Jumps, 3 sets 10 repetitions
100 meter Weighted Keg Carry, 4 sets
Atlas Stone Squats, 3 sets 5 repetitions
15 meter Weighted Dog Sled Push, 3 sets
Have a Great Day!
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