Despite the challenges of leaving, there are quite a few bonuses: 1) Life is broken down to its simplest form: Food, water, shelter and community. We are completely "unplugged". 2) The air is clear and the water is clean. 3) We are active everyday traveling and setting up a new camp. 4) We learn. Everyday we problem solve challenges that may arise as an expedition and the students we work with take turns leading the group. 5) We have a whole lot of fun and laugh a lot!
Today's quote is from Edmund Hillary:
"When you're in a difficult or dangerous situation, or you're depressed about the chances of success, someone who can make you laugh eases the tension."
Morning Lifting Routine: Chest and Biceps
Flat Bench Dumbbell Chest Press
Incline Bench Dumbbell Chest Press
Dumbbell Flies
Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curls
Concentration Dumbbell Curls
Bench Press
Evening Routine: Super-Set these three exercises. Three sets total.
TRX Flies, 15 repetitions
Bench Press with Resistance Bands, 15 repetitions
Dips, 15 repetitions
Have a Great Day!
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