As far as the eye can see down the Tucson weather forecast we are looking at temperatures over 100 degrees fahrenheit. Tomorrow is supposed to be close to 110?! There is no need to not workout when it is hot, just be smart about it. My power rack is in the shade outside. Rebecca and I lift early in the morning while it is still cool out. In the evening it is hot, but I am in the shade with plenty of fluids on hand while I do a lot of my heavier powerlifting. The most beneficial thing that I do is eat a good balanced diet and stay hydrated throughout the day.
The crucial thing to keep tabs on in this excessive heat is water intake and an awareness of when enough is enough. Heavy sweating, pale skin, weakness, fatigue and a rapid heartbeat are all signs that you are having heat related problems. Heat exhaustion can go down a slippery slope to heat stroke if you aren't careful. If you start having these signs and symptoms keep drinking fluids and cool yourself off. If I starting getting too hot I will get in the shade and spray myself with a garden hose or after I am done working out I will jump in the pool and not budge until I have completely cooled down. The key is to stop and address the issue. If you or your partner are unable to cool off or you start seeing more dramatic signs and symptoms like nausea, vomiting, hot and dry skin with no more sweating, behavioral changes like confusion, staggering or being disoriented you need to get help right away. These are all signs that heat exhaustion has moved toward heat stroke. Call 911 because this is a life threatening emergency. Get the person out of the sun immediately and actively cool them with ice or monitor them in a cold water bath until help arrives. Today's quote is from the late great Macho Man Randy Savage: "I am too hot to handle and too cold to hold!" Active Rest Day: One mile run with a swim in the pool afterwards! Have a Great Day!
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