Monday, June 23, 2014

Going into NOLS-mode and Legs

It is getting to be that time again. Time to go into the field for NOLS and educate students about leadership and wilderness. This is one of the big reasons I train at 44-years old, to be able to function at a high level in remote wilderness places. I will be working two trips rafting on the Main Salmon in Idaho. Each trip is ten days long.

What that means for my training is that I start moving from heavy strength and power training (Low number of repetitions with heavier weight, heavy odd object training, etc.) to more maintenance and endurance training (Bodyweight exercises, weight training with lower weight with a higher number of repetitions, etc.). There are a few reasons for the change but the main reason is this: I make my money working physically in the field. The likelihood of me injuring myself while training with lighter weights or doing bodyweight exercises is low. If I were lifting heavy and tweaked something just before a field contract I would be out a lot of money! I call this switch "Going into NOLS-mode".

Today's quote is from Muhammad Ali:

"I hated every minute of training, but I said 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion'."

Morning Weight Training: Legs
Dumbbell Squats
Dumbbell Lunges
Barbell Front Squats
Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Glute/Hamstring Developer
Calf Raises

Evening Routine:
Prisoner Step-Ups, 3 sets 15 repetitions
30" Box Jumps, 3 sets 15 repetitions
Barbell Back Lunges, 3 sets 10 repetitions

Have a Great Day!

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