We had friends stop by with their two month old daughter for dinner tonight. Honestly, I just don't feel comfortable holding babies until they are about that age. When they can't hold their own head up it makes me nervous! Anyway, it was great to visit with friends but it did make this post a bit later than I would normally like.
Today's quote is from Tony Kushner:
"I work best after the deadline has passed, when I am in a panic!"
Morning Lifting Routine: Legs
Dumbbell Box Squats
Dumbbell Lunges
Front Barbell Squats
Bodyweight Calf Raises
Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Glute/Hamstring Developer
Evening Workout:
Air Squats, 30 repetitions
20 meter Crab Walk with Resistance Band, 3 sets
30" Box Jumps, 10 repetitions, 3 sets
30 meter 160 lb. Sled Drag, 3 sets
Barbell Back Squats with Heavy Chains, 10 repetitions, 3 sets
Have a Great Day!
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