Thursday, December 12, 2013

Protein, Protein Everywhere and the Workout of the Day!

How much protein is enough? The government recommended daily allowance (RDA) of protein for an adult is between 46-56 grams. That may be fine for someone who is sedentary, but what about active people and athletes? Hell, I am burning 50 grams sitting at this desk writing this post!

I have only posted a few times, but if you have read anything here you know that how much protein you consume will be based on YOU, your level of activity and your body's abilities. As a very general rule, based on work done by people way smarter than I am, a person with a sedentary lifestyle needs about .3-.4 grams of protein for every pound of bodyweight. Example: On average, a 200lbs. sedentary individual needs 60 grams of protein a day to maintain good health. This generally jives with the government RDA.

As an active person or athlete, the body's need for protein increases. To put it in its most simple form, active people need more protein to repair and maintain muscle and other tissue that have been broken down during exercise. It is generally accepted that an active person or athlete requires 1-2 grams of protein for every pound of bodyweight. Example: On average, a 200lbs. person that engages in athletic pursuits needs 200 grams of protein per day to maintain health.

While I was thinking about writing this post yesterday, just doing some casual mathematics I was able to add up at least 150 grams of protein that I consumed. Now, how do you do that without eating a million egg whites?

Most folks that I know who exercise seriously supplement their healthy diet with an additional protein source of some sort. I am currently using a powder for shakes: Syntha-6. I also occasionally use a protein bar when I am in a hurry and I have found the Pro Bar Core Bar to be great tasting and serves its purpose. I hate to sound like a broken record, but with a healthy balanced diet and a regular exercise regimen these are the things that work for me. Find what is appropriate for you. Find the things that you can eat without gagging. Maybe that is one million egg whites?!

On to today's workout: Back and the "Day Laborer".

Lifting with Rebecca: (Three sets per exercise)
Dumbbell Pullover
Single Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Upright Barbell Row
Suspension Strap Horizontal Pull-Up (DIY adjustable suspension strap system)
Weighted Pull-Up

Supplemental Workout:
Deadlift (From the post yesterday, this is an exercise I do barefoot).
Landmine Barbell Row (Just got the Rogue Post Landmine yesterday. I will let you know how it goes!)

WOD: "The Day Laborer". Growing up, my older brother Kevin and I worked construction. We had no real skills at the time and spent our days hauling 2x4s, schlepping bricks, digging ditches, etc. Kevin has moved on and is now a contractor running his own business building beautiful, ultra energy efficient homes (New Phire Builders). When I told him about this workout he laughed and titled it "The Day Laborer". It brought back a lot of fun memories.

20 Sledgehammer Swings (10 left handed, 10 right handed).
5 Tire Flips (A blown Firestone 23.5-25 loader tire that I picked up for free).
1 Atlas Stone Lift to Platform (DIY 188lbs. stone made from a plaster mold of a beach ball filled with Sakcrete).
Three Sets.

Have a great day!

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