Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Miracle Cure-All Discovered! Come one, come all!! Oh and the WOD!

Want to mentally feel better, have more energy, look great and sleep like a log? There is no drug or pill that will do all of this for you. There is no snake oil salesman here. If you are a man or woman, young or old, it doesn’t matter. The simple solution is EXERCISE. Walk, run, lift weights, do push-ups, play basketball, dance… DO SOMETHING and do it every day. Here are my top five reasons to exercise every day:

Great Reason Number 1: Keeps You Physically Healthier!  I know what you are thinking, “Well DUH?!” Sure, exercising makes you a healthier person, but do you know how amazing it really is? People that exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from heart disease, some cancers, type two diabetes, less likely to suffer a stroke and as we age less likely to fall or get arthritis. And it doesn’t take much. Get out and do something 30 minutes per day. Check out this video by Dr. Mike Evans titled 23-1/2 Hours.

No Brainer Reason Number 2: You Can Lose Weight When You Exercise! When you workout you burn calories. When you workout HARD you burn even more calories. As you exercise more and more you transform your body and increase muscle mass. Muscle burns calories more effectively and so the awesome cycle begins. You lose fat, build more muscle and become lean and mean. Do the little things everyday and you will notice the difference: Walk to the store instead of driving, take the stairs instead of the elevator, do a set of push-ups before eating lunch at work, etc.

The “No Way? That is AWESOME!” Reason Number 3: Exercising Turns that Frown Upside Down! Did you have one of those days at work where it feels like the people you dealt with were actually trying to crush your soul? Don’t go get hammered, go for a run. Lift weights. Ride your bike. Exercising releases chemicals in your brain like serotonin and endorphins. People with high levels of serotonin are usually more upbeat and just happier. Endorphins are what give people the “runner’s high”. They act like opiates in response to pain and stress and can lead to that feeling of euphoria! People who exercise are less likely to suffer from depression. And of course, when you exercise you look good. And when you look good you FEEL good! Looking good can boost your self-esteem and your self-confidence! “I am awesome!”

Seriously Kick Ass Reason Number 4: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ When you lay down to go to bed, how long does it take you to fall asleep? It seems that exercise has a rather weird relationship with sleep. Working hard later in the afternoon seems to be best. Your hard work kicks in your metabolism, you burn calories and your core body temperature rises a couple of hours before bed. Then after you have wrecked yourself, your body temperature begins to drop back to normal. That drop in temperature seems to be what tells your body it is time to hit the hay. Simple, exercise and sleep better.

And For the Best Reason of All, Number 5: Go Have FUN! Play some hoops, go dancing, go join a kick ball team at your local recreation department! Get outside and walk the dog, go for a swim or ride your bike. Do it for 30 minutes a day! As my university professor and mentor Dr. Gary Nussbaum once told me, “Get out and do SOMETHING everyday that reminds you that you are a physical being”. So many people think that exercise has to be painful and unpleasant. Just go have fun and move!

WOD: Lifting for the Back and a Good Long Dog Walk:

Dumbbell Pullovers

Single Dumbbell Bent-over Row

Dumbbell Up-Right Row

Weighted Pull-ups

Dumbbell Snatch

Horizontal Suspension Strap Pull-ups

2 mile Walk with the Dog carrying a 35 lbs. Day Pack

Have a great day!! 





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