Thursday, December 26, 2013

Man's Best Friend and the WOD!

Dogs. My life can be broken into two parts: 1) The times that I had dogs in my life and 2) The times I wish I had dogs in my life. I recognize that the times I did not have dogs were times where it would have been impossible: Being in the Marines and being a full-time NOLS instructor. Though totally logical, these circumstances didn’t make me miss dogs any less.

One of the funniest things I have ever read is the Oatmeal cartoon, “My Dog the Paradox”. I think that this hilarious and sad story captures our relationship with dogs perfectly. But, there is so much more to that relationship.

In November a new study came out that shows dogs could have been first domesticated over 32,000 years ago! We have been together a long time and there are proven benefits to having our “Best Friend” around. Some of these benefits are obvious (i.e. we get their unconditional love, they protect us), but some benefits are not so obvious:

1)   People raised with dogs are less likely to have allergies and have a reduced chance of suffering from asthma.

2)   Walking your dog, taking it for a run or playing fetch gets you outside and gets you in some fresh air. Just getting outside will get you the Vitamin D you need each day. That Vitamin D will reduce the risk of things like cancer, depression and heart attacks.

3)    While you get that Vitamin D, you are moving. Moving is an important part of any healthy lifestyle. Getting out and moving just 30 minutes a day will reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and some forms of cancer according to the Centers for Disease Control.

4)   Finally, playing and laughing with your pooch does all kinds of great things! It reduces stress, by releasing the hormone oxytocin from your pituitary gland. Smiling and laughing fires off neurotransmitters that unleash dopamine and serotonin which in turn make you feel calm, relaxed and happy!

So here is to our canine friends. The human race would certainly suffer a much more bleak existence without them by our side. Get out there and play some fetch! Don’t be afraid of that slobbery tennis ball, that thing is boosting your immune system!

The WOD: Walking the Dog, Chest and Arms

Dumbbell Chest Press

Suspension Strap Flies

Weighted Push-Ups

Alternating Dumbbell Biceps Curls

Suspension Strap Curls

Concentration Dumbbell Curls

Abdominal Work

Have a great day!!

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