Who Sits for Three Hours and Forty-Five Minutes Waiting for a Movie to Start? And the Workout of the Day!
We are going to see the new Star Wars movie at 8:45pm tomorrow with a couple of friends. My buddy went by to pick up the tickets today so that we would not have to wait in line. The people at the theater said they are going to open the doors at 5pm for people to find seats?! WTF?! Crazy. Warm-Up: Jumping Jack, 30 repetitions Air Squat, 30 repetitions Workout: Four Rounds for Time: Dumbbell Thruster, 20-15-10-5 repetitions AbMat Sit-Up, 25-25-25-25 repetitions Mobility: Hamstring Stretches Have a Great Day! And may the Force be with you! I may need it to be with me tomorrow night?!
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