Muslim Athletes? Trump: "Who?" and the Workout of the Day
When President Obama said in his recent speech that many of our country's athletic champions are members of the Islamic faith, Donald Trump again showed his impressive ignorance by tweeting "Who? Is Obama profiling?" I think I am starting to realize that perhaps Donald cannot be held responsible for a lot of his bigoted comments because he doesn't know what profiling is?! So for Trump's benefit, just off the top of my head... lets see... Muhammad Ali? Bernard Hopkins? Shaquille O'Neal? Hakeem Olajuwon? Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? Mike Tyson? Aqib Talib? Workout of the Day: Warm-Up: Jumping Jack, 30 repetitions Suicide Sprints, 5 sets Workout: 12 minutes AMRAP: Hand Release Push-Up, 10 repetitions Squat Jumps, 10 repetitions Hanging Knee to Chest, 10 repetitions Have a Great Day!!
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