Monday, July 20, 2015

Yesterday's Rowing and Day One of Crossfit

First, yesterday I rowed for 30 minutes for a total distance of 7050 meters. It was pretty damn hard for me and has set a very good benchmark for the future.

Today, I went to my first Crossfit class at an affiliate very close to our place. I went in on Saturday and chatted with one of the coaches about the class. Apparently the 5:30am and 6:30am classes are packed and the 7:30am class has fewer people in it. I felt that going to the 7:30am class allowed me to workout with five or six other folks while still being able to ask questions of the coach.

The coach provided very good instruction and a number of times she went out of her way to say very important things like, "I would rather have you use lower weight and use good form than try to use a weight that is too heavy." I have watched too many "Crossfit Fail" videos that do the exact opposite of this. 

I arrived a few minutes early and caught the end of the 6:30am class. While warming up and gently stretching, I was getting a bit irritated because there were people that were violating a personal pet peeve of mine: Needlessly dropping bars. I get it when people drop bars when they are attempting a heavy weight and they fail, dropping the weight. But, these folks were dropping bars simply to drop them after completing a repetition. I got over it, but it was an ominous beginning.

The people that I worked out with were of various shapes and sizes and of varying physical ability. As we went through the routine the coach gave very solid tips and advice for form adjustment. It would be interesting to see how well that happens in a class that is full with 12 participants. The workout was very solid and I left the facility sweating like a pig. I will let you know how tomorrow goes! So far, two thumbs up!

Workout: This was a "Chipper". Lots of different exercises that you "chip away at".
3 minute continuous plate floor push (45/25) (The first weight amount is for men and the second is for women)
5 PVC Wrap arounds
5 PVC Passthroughs
5min AMRAP: ("As Many Rounds As Possible")
10 Barbell Overhead Squats with a Sotts Press at the bottom of the squat
30 second Barbell Overhead Squat hold at bottom of squat
10 Barbell Hang Muscle Snatch
30 second Pull-up hold with chin over bar
Metcon ("Metabolic Conditioning") for Time
100m Farmers Carry with Kettlebells (2×53/35)
5 Snatches (95/65)
200m Farmers Carry
10 Clean and Jerks (95/65)
100m Farmers Carry
15 Front Squats (165/125)
100m Farmers Carry
20 Back Squats (165/125)
Rest 1 min
Maximum time handstand hold
Cool Down:
3 minute run

I completed this WOD in 15:45 with a 45 second handstand hold.

Have a Great Day!!

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