Wednesday, July 22, 2015

"Securing the Border" and Crossfit Day Three

I love it when a politician says that they will "secure the border" between the U.S. and Mexico or that they will not vote on some other important legislation until we "secure the border". The people that say those three words are either idiots or ignorant. I have been traveling on the U.S./Mexico border for weeks at a time for just about two decades. The Mexicans that I have been blessed to meet there are not drug or human smugglers or rapists. They are farmers, ranchers and people fishing. Are there bad people out there? For sure. I have run into way more scary Americans on the border than Mexicans. The border along the Rio Grande in the lower canyons will never be secure. There will never be a fully secure wall or fence there. Anyone that tries to tell you otherwise is full of crap. Anyone that claims that the Mexicans will pay for that wall is not an idiot.... they are delusional?!

Whenever people say we need to "secure the border" or keep "illegals" out of America I ask them a simple question: If you were a Mexican with no hope of finding a job and you had to feed your spouse and kids, would you enter the U.S. illegally? Most people answer "Yes". I would. The reality is this: Americans want illegal drugs. Mexican drug cartels provide those drugs. Because there is more money in the drug trade than anywhere else in Mexico, that is where people work. People who see no way out but to carry a backpack full of drugs across the desert for sometimes hundreds of miles. Or, they enter the U.S. illegally to find a job that no American will do for peanuts: Picking fruit or vegetables, cleaning hotel rooms, digging ditches. The other truth: The "War on Drugs" has failed. The solution is to decide what we as a nation want to do about drugs. If they were not illegal, there would be no interest in selling them. We could take the wasted money from the "War on Drugs"  and use it to help develop Mexico economically. That would be cheaper than the border security and wall building. Once the Mexican economy is stable and the drug cartels no longer make money hand over fist, the Mexicans will stay in Mexico and work there. These people don't WANT to leave their families!

Off my soapbox, onto the Crossfit box. Great instruction and camaraderie again. Excellent Turkish Get Up demonstration which I equate to weighted line dancing?!

3 minute continuous kettlebell Turkish Get Up (35/26)
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Kettlebell Windmills
Triceps and Shoulder Stretch with Band
Quadriceps and Groin Stretch
Metabolic Conditioning: (3 Rounds for Maximum repetitions)
As Many Repetitions As Possible (AMRAP):  3 rounds ×6 minutes per round with 1 minute rest between rounds.
Row for 15 Calories
15 Standing Wall Ball Tosses (14/10)
Row for 20 Calories
7 Barbell Thrusters (95/65)
Row for 15 Calories
15 Standing Wall Ball Tosses(14/10)
(Try to duplicate performance in AMRAP #1)
Keep track of number of repetitions per round. (I was able to do 90 repetitions (three full rounds) in AMRAP #1, 54 repetitions (two full rounds) in AMRAP #2, and 90 repetitions in AMRAP #3)
Cool Down:
200m walk

Have a Great Day!

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