Today's quote is from my grandfather:
"It is easy to make a bad name for yourself. You have to work hard to make a good name for yourself."
400 meter Run
2 minutes continuous Air Squats (Facing the wall to practice good form)
10 PVC Pipe Wrap Arounds
10 PVC Pipe Pass Throughs
10 Burgener Warm-Ups (Clean Focus with 35 lbs. barbell)
Strength Training:
3 sets of 1 repetition Power Clean (Go heavy!)
4 sets of 3 repetitions Back Squat (Heavy here too!)
2 minutes AMREP (As Many Reps as Possible) Deadlift with 185 lbs.
Metabolic Conditioning: 3 Rounds for Time
10 Back Squats at 155 lbs. (Go heavier or lighter as needed)
10 Deadlifts at 155 lbs. (Go heavier or lighter as needed)
400 meter run
20 AbMat Sit-Ups with a 12 lbs. Medicine Ball
600 meter Jog/Walk
2 minutes Half Kneeling Triplanar Stretch
Have a Good Day!!