Today was a great workout day. We had a good morning lifting session and then there were three folks for the evening WOD. My good friend whose wife had a baby on April 1st came for the first time in a while. It was great to have him here and we had a fun time working out.

"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe."
Morning Weight Training Session: Back
Heavy Dumbbell Pullovers
Heavy One Armed Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows
Upright Barbell Rows
Weighted Close Grip Pull-Ups
Evening WOD: 5x5x3 (Do each exercise in order to complete one set. Three sets total.)
5 - Sledgehammer Swings per side
5 - Tire Flips
5 - Atlas Stone Lifts
5- 15 foot Rope Climbs
5 - Fat Grip Dumbbell Snatches
Evening Weight Training:
Landmine Rows
Heavy Deadlifts
Have a Great Day!
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