Today's quote if from Teddy Roosevelt:
"Believe you can and you are halfway there."
Weight Training: Back
Dumbbell Pullovers
One Armed Bent Over Dumbbell Rows
Upright Barbell Rows
TRX Rows
Weighted Pull-Ups
Heavy Landmine Rows
Heavy Deadlifts (Maxing out at 1.6x bodyweight)
Cpatains of Crush Grip Trainers
WOD: "Dead on my Feet" (Each exercise done in order to make one set. Three sets total.)
400 meter Run
15-Foot Rope Climb
Weighted Keg Deadlifts (10 repetitions)
Abdominal Crunches (60 repetitions)
188 lbs. Atlas Stone Lift onto a 48" platform (1 repetition)
Have a Great Day!