Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tomorrow's Workout Today: Chest and Biceps

I may end up making a couple of posts tomorrow. I am getting up and lifting with my co-worker and buddy who has to take off and do a drive tomorrow to take a course into the field. We will do the following workout early in the morning. In the afternoon I may end up leading another workout with other folks in the evening.... we will see.

Workout: Chest and Biceps
Push-Up, 1 set of 20 repetitions
Weight Training: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. 5 sets total. No rest between sets.
Heavy Bench Press, 5 repetitions
(Primary muscles worked: Pectoralis major, anterior deltoids, triceps brachii)
Weighted Dip, Maximum repetitions
(Primary muscles worked: Pectoralis major and minor, anterior deltoids, triceps brachii)
Axle Bar Curl, 8-10 repetitions
(Primary muscles worked: Biceps brachii, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris)
Wrist Roll-Up, Maximum repetitions
(Primary muscles worked: Brachioradialis, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris)

Have a Great Day!!

And then there was the afternoon session. Tomorrow I drive to drop our NOLS Southwest Semester group off on the final leg of their journey. Shortly after that I pick up our NOLS Semester on the Borders and take them to their climbing camp. Big day of driving, cleaning and debriefing.

So tomorrow will be a day off and there will be no post. Tonight I worked out with three folks and we had a good lifting session.

Workout: Chest and Biceps
Warm-Up: Perform each exercise in order for one minute.
Jumping Jack
TRX Biceps Curl
Bicycle Abdominal Crunches
Weight Training:
Bench Press, 5 sets of 2-10 repetitions
Dumbbell Fly, 5 sets of 10 repetitions
Super Set: Perform three sets of each exercise.
Axle Bar Curls, 10-12 repetitions
Dumbbell Hammer Curls, 10 repetitions

Between each of the above sets complete a set of Captains of Crush grip trainers.

Now, Really Have a Nice Day!!

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