Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ted is Already Running for 2020 and the Workout

Ted Cruz took a huge political risk last night, clearly aiming for the Presidency in 2020. In a speech at the Republican National Convention, Ted Cruz laid out conservative values and near the end, when given the chance to support and endorse Donald Trump, chose to tell voters to "vote their conscience for candidates up and down the ticket". Cruz was booed off the stage.

If Trump loses this election badly, Ted will be able to say, "See you should have voted for me!" But almost any other outcome is the end of Ted Cruz. If Trump wins, I think that he will crush Ted for his lack of loyalty. But the worst outcome for Ted Cruz will be a close victory by Hilary. First, the Democrats will hold the White House for four more years. Secondly and more importantly, if Cruz pulls votes away from Trump, Donald will have the built in excuse for the loss and the Republicans will blame Cruz. I guess, the only positive there for Ted will feed his narcissism: a giant "Screw You Trump" by keeping him out of the Oval Office.

Steady State Cardiorespiratory Training, 20 minutes
Weight Training:
Bench Press, 5 sets of 5 repetitions
Preacher Curl, 5 sets of 8-12 repetitions
Pec-Deck Machine, 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions
One Hand, High Cable Curl, 5 sets of 8-12 repetitions
Decline Bench, 5 sets of 5 repetitions
Dumbbell Hammer Curl, 5 sets of 8-12 repetitions
Captains of Crush Grip Trainer, 15 repetitions per hand after each of the above sets
Core Work: Perform 35 repetitions of each of the following exercises. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Lying Heel Touch
Lying Knee Pull-In
Lying Leg Lift

Have a "Grate" Day!!

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