Kim Davis: If You Can't Do Your Job, Get a New One?! Morning and Evening Workouts
Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis needs to move on. The Supreme Court of the United States of America has ruled that it is legal for same sex couples to marry and enjoy all of the civil and legal rights that all other U.S. citizens have. However, Kim Davis has determined that her religious beliefs trump the rights of those same sex couples and she refuses to issue them marriage licenses. I get it, Ms. Davis has every right to believe what she does.... but if she cannot uphold the ruling of the Supreme Court as an officer of a government agency in the United States she doesn't have to... however, she needs to resign or be fired and replaced with someone that will. Morning Workout: Warm-Up: 15 minute row 50 AbMat Sit-Ups Strength: Deadlift, 5 sets of 5 repetitions, one set every three minutes Metabolic Conditioning: AMRAP 20 Minutes: 5 Power Cleans (95# / 65#) 5 Front Squats (95# / 65#) 5 Push Presses (95# / 65#) 400 meter run Cool-Down: 400m walk Mobility: Quadriceps stretch Evening Workout: Leg Focused Circuit Training: Perform each exercise in order for 1:15 to complete a set. Three sets total. One minute rest between sets. Jump Rope Sand Bag Shoulder Carry Calf Raise Prisoner Step-Up GHD Jump Squat Side Step with Resistance Band Have a Great Day!!
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