In the spirit of NFL coach Dennis Green after a loss to the Chicago Bears, I will say this about the Republican candidates for President: "They were who we thought they were...." The crazy, scary lunatics were as nutty as ever. The reasonable folks that are middle of the road, moderate conservatives were pleasant and Presidential in appearance. Though I am a registered Democrat, I could see John Kasich as President. I was very disappointed that the moderators did not bring up climate change or income disparity in the U.S. Of course, it was run by Fox "News" (I put news in quotes simply because I do not think that they actually report unbiased news...) so I did not expect very much honestly... Workout of the Day: Warm-Up: 200m run 30 Air Squats, stall at bottom of each rep 10 PVC Wraparounds 10 PVC Passthroughs Burgener warm-up Power Clean focus Strength: Clean and Jerk 1x5@40% 1-RM, 1x5@50% 1-RM, 1x5@60% 1-RM 3x10 Barbell Thrusters WOD: 5 rounds for time: (I used a weight slightly less than the Clean and Jerk weight at 40% above) 12 Deadlifts 9 Power Cleans (Weight goes all the way to the ground for each repetition) 6 Clean and Jerks Cool-Down: 400m Walk 50 AbMat Sit-Ups Have a Great Day!!
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