I am not sure if this plan can actually happen legally, that is not a topic I will broach here. But, the idea that we are still burning coal for energy to me is just insane. Are we still in the Victorian era?! Technology and "green" energy sources have gotten to the point that there is no reason to be destroying the environment and the health of communities mining coal. Time to stop doing the bidding of special interests and time to do the right thing for the health of the environment, the health of the economy with new "green" energy manufacturing jobs and the health of future generations by starting to reduce carbon emissions in the air they will breathe.
Today's quote is from Jeff Goodell:
"But Big Oil and Big Coal have always been as skilled at propaganda as they are at mining and drilling. Like the tobacco industry before them, their success depends on keeping Americans stupid."
5 minutes AMRAP:
10 Barbell Box Squat
30 seconds Wall Sit Medicine Ball squeezed between legs
10 Strict Overhead Barbell Press
30 seconds Handstand Hold
Standing Strict Barbell Shoulder Press (1x5@40% 1-RM, 1x5@50% 1-RM, 1x5@60% 1-RM)
3x10 Parallette Pushups feet on 30" box
Metabolic Conditioning:
10 minutes AMRAP (Total Reps):
300m row (= 1 rep)
20 Shoulder to Overhead (= 20 reps)
Kettlebell or Dumbbell Windmills 3 per side
PVC Shoulder Girdle Stretch
Have a Great Day!!
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