Even if you are like me and are a huge fan of the NFL, this is a good sports time
of year: The Masters just wrapped up, he MLB has started, and the NBA playoffs are about to kick off. My only issue with the MLB and NBA is the length of the season. The NBA plays 82 regular season games and the MLB goes for almost double that at 162 games. At 16 games the NFL is able to keep my apparently very limited attention span. I mean, it is hard to get worked up about the Nationals dropping two out of three games in Boston when there are still 153 games left?!
Today's quote is from Bill Veeck:
"There are only two seasons - winter and Baseball."
Workout: Legs
Jump Rope, 1 minute
36" Box Jumps, 15 repetitions
Weight Training:
Front Squat, 5 sets of 6-10 repetitions
(Primary muscles worked: Rectus femoris, gluteus maximus, vastus medialis, intermedius and lateralis)
Romanian Deadlift, 5 sets of 10 repetitions
(Primary muscles worked: Biceps femoris, gluteus maximus)
Weighted Calf Raise, 5 sets of 15-20 repetitions
(Primary muscles worked: Gastrocnemius, soleus)
25m Weighted Sled Push, 5
(Primary muscles worked: Rectus femoris)
25m Side Step with Resistance Band, 5
(Primary muscles worked: Gluteus maximus, sartorius, tensor fascia latae)
Have a Great Day!!