Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Made it to the Thanksgiving Break and the Workout of the Day!!

I really do love Thanksgiving. I know that history has started to show that we put a little bit more into the holiday than the pilgrims actually did.... but hey they were just happy to survive! Certainly our meal will be much more lavish than whatever game they scared up to put on the table and a pile of root vegetables! The thing I like most about it is this: If I cannot be with my actual family than I am glad to be here with my friends and co-workers at NOLS Southwest. There really are no better, hard working people I know. Tomorrow will be a day off from the weights but, but I will do some sort of cardio work. In the mean time I will think of a list of things to be thankful for!

Jumping Jacks, 50 repetitions
Burpees, 10 repetitions
PVC Passthroughs, 10 repetitions
PVC Wraparounds, 10 repetitions

Weight Training:
Clean and Jerk, 5 sets of 1-5 repetitions with a one rep max attempt
Skullcrushers, 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions
Barbell Shrugs, 3sets of 8-10 repetitions
Overhead Triceps Extensions, 3 sets 6-10 repetitions
Seated Dumbbell Side Raise, 3 sets of 10 repetitions
AbMat Sit-Ups, 100 repetitions

Have a Great Day!!

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