Monday, May 23, 2016

Nobel PEACE Prize, Right? The Workout

Now, anyone that reads this knows that I like Obama. I think that he has been a good President. I think though that even Barack himself must wonder why the hell he was given the Nobel Peace Prize?! Really the committee screwed up. No U.S. President should be given the award for Peace. There are too many things that a U.S. President has to do that should block them from ever being considered?! How many other Nobel Laureates authorize drone strikes on people? I mean, don't get me wrong, I am sure that Mulah Mansour was a bad dude.... but Obama personally authorized that strike. Obama, who is also the Commander in Chief, is ultimately responsible for the gunship strike that mistakenly destroyed the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan on October 3, 2015. That HAS to be the first time that one Nobel Laureate blew-up another Nobel Laureate?! This world is crazy.

Warm-Up: Complete a 5 minute AMRAP of: 
Jump Rope, 40 repetitions
Burpee, 5 repetitions
20" Box Jump, 10 repetitions
Butterfly Sit-Up, 10 repetitions
Workout: AMRAP 10 Minutes. Do one rep of each exercise the first round, then two reps, then three reps, and so on, until time is up.
Dumbbell Thruster (33# per dumbell)
Strict, No Kip Pull-Up
400m Walk
Core Workout: 15 repetitions of each of the following exercises. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Heel Touch
Knee Pull-in
Leg Lift

Have a Great Day!!

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