No weights today. Just getting last minute cleaning done and then we head out early tomorrow morning for our new home. My best guess is that the earliest I will post again will be on June 5th or 6th. We will see!
Have a Great Week!
Monday, May 30, 2016
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Last Workout in Arizona!
Today will mark the last workout while we live in Arizona. Tomorrow we will load up the cars and we will start heading to our new home in Chattanooga, Tennessee. It is all very exciting, its been mildly stressful and slightly terrifying as we send ourselves out into the world to a town we do not know. In the grand scheme of troubles in the world, ours are few and the things that are challenges to us are really just hiccups in life. We live a blessed life.
Warm-Up: Complete a 6 minute AMRAP of the following exercises:
Push-Up, 10 repetitions
Jump Rope, 40 repetitions
20" Box Jump, 10 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
Workout: Complete three rounds for time.
800 Meter Run
Butterfly Sit-Up, 50 repetitions
Kettlebell Swing 32kg, 30 repetitions
400m Walk
Core Workout: Perform 15 repetitions of each of the following exercises. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Lying Heel Touch
Lying Knee Pull-in
Leg Lift
Have a Great Day!
Warm-Up: Complete a 6 minute AMRAP of the following exercises:
Push-Up, 10 repetitions
Jump Rope, 40 repetitions
20" Box Jump, 10 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
Workout: Complete three rounds for time.
800 Meter Run
Butterfly Sit-Up, 50 repetitions
Kettlebell Swing 32kg, 30 repetitions
400m Walk
Core Workout: Perform 15 repetitions of each of the following exercises. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Lying Heel Touch
Lying Knee Pull-in
Leg Lift
Have a Great Day!
Saturday, May 28, 2016
The King is Waiting and the Workout

Warm-Up: Three rounds at warm-up pace.
Jump Rope, 40 repetitions
PVC Wraparound, 20 repetitions
Bicycle Crunch, 20 repetitions
Workout: Three rounds for time.
200m Run
Push-Up, 25 repetitions
Core Workout: 15 repetitions of each exercise in order. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Lying Heel Touch
Knee Pull-in
Leg Lift
Have a Great Day!!
Friday, May 27, 2016
Memorial Day Weekend, the Final Pack-Up and the Workout

I am not sure what it is going to look like here Monday on Memorial Day for the workout. We are packing everything up for an early final departure to our new home in Chattanooga on Tuesday. This includes all of the workout equipment so I am going to dedicate today's workout to all of our brave men and women out there that are serving their country and especially in memory of those who have died in that service.

Warm-Up: Three rounds at a warm-up pace.
400m Jog
Glute Bridge, 15 repetitions
Push-Up Plank Hold, 30 seconds
Butterfly Sit-Up, 20 repetitions
Workout: "Whitten" Five Rounds For Time.
Kettlebell Swing 32kg, 22 repetitions
24" Box Jump, 22 repetitions
400 Meter Run
Burpee, 22 repetitions
Dumbbell Thruster (20# Dumbbells), 22 repetitions
400m Walk
Have a Great Day!!
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Quick Workout Post
I spent the day running around looking at furniture?! Just a quick workout post while I wrap my brain around how much furnishing a house costs?!
Warm-Up: Three rounds at warm-up pace.
Jump Rope, 40 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
Bicycle Crunch, 20 repetitions
Handstand Hold, 30 seconds
Workout: Five rounds for time.
Weighted Dip (Bodyweight+30#), 10 repetitions
Barbell Curl (45#), 15 repetitions
Barbell Front Raise (45#), 10 repetitions
Strict Overhead Press (45#), 20 repetitions
Diamond Push-Up, 20 repetitions
Core Workout: 15 repetitions of each exercise. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Heel Touch
Knee Pull-in
Leg Lift
Have a Great Day!!
Warm-Up: Three rounds at warm-up pace.
Jump Rope, 40 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
Bicycle Crunch, 20 repetitions
Handstand Hold, 30 seconds
Workout: Five rounds for time.
Weighted Dip (Bodyweight+30#), 10 repetitions
Barbell Curl (45#), 15 repetitions
Barbell Front Raise (45#), 10 repetitions
Strict Overhead Press (45#), 20 repetitions
Diamond Push-Up, 20 repetitions
Core Workout: 15 repetitions of each exercise. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Heel Touch
Knee Pull-in
Leg Lift
Have a Great Day!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Steph Curry Lovefest in Trouble and the Workout

Warm-Up: Four rounds for time.
400m Run
Butterfly Sit-Up, 25 repetitions
Workout: Complete each exercise in order to complete a round. Five rounds total for time.
Back Squat (45#), 30 repetitions
Weighted Calf Raise (45#), 30 repetitions
GHD, 15 repetitions
25m Dumbbell Weighted Walking Lunge (20# dumbbells)
25m Side Step with Band
400m Slow Jog
Core Workout: 15 repetitions of each of the following exercises. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Heel Touch
Knee Pull-in
Leg Lift
Couch Stretch
Have a Great Day!!
back squat,
butterfly sit-up,
calf raise,
Couch stretch,
draymond green,
flutter kick,
golden state warriors,
heel touch,
knee pull-in,
leg lift,
okc thunder,
side step,
steven adams,
walking lunge
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
GO TIGERS! and the Workout

Warm-Up: Complete a 5 minute AMRAP of:
Hand Release Push Up, 10 repetitions
Bicycle Crunch, 10 repetitions
PVC Wraparound, 20 repetition
Air Squat, 10 repetition
Workout: 10 Rounds For Time:
Push-Up, 10 repetitions
Hollow Rock, 10 repetitions
200 Meter Run
400m Walk
Core Workout: 15 repetitions of each of the following exercises. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Heel Touch
Knee Pull-In
Leg Lift
Have a Great Day!!
200m run,
400m walk,
air squat,
benton harbor tigers,
bicycle crunches,
Elliot Uzelac,
flutter kick,
hand release push-up,
heel touch,
hollow rock,
knee pull-in,
leg lift,
scott van pelt,
Monday, May 23, 2016
Nobel PEACE Prize, Right? The Workout
Now, anyone that reads this knows that I like Obama. I think that he has been a good President. I think though that even Barack himself must wonder why the hell he was given the Nobel Peace Prize?! Really the committee screwed up. No U.S. President should be given the award for Peace. There are too many things that a U.S. President has to do that should block them from ever being considered?! How many other Nobel Laureates authorize drone strikes on people? I mean, don't get me wrong, I am sure that Mulah Mansour was a bad dude.... but Obama personally authorized that strike. Obama, who is also the Commander in Chief, is ultimately responsible for the gunship strike that mistakenly destroyed the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan on October 3, 2015. That HAS to be the first time that one Nobel Laureate blew-up another Nobel Laureate?! This world is crazy.
Warm-Up: Complete a 5 minute AMRAP of:
Jump Rope, 40 repetitions
Burpee, 5 repetitions
20" Box Jump, 10 repetitions
Butterfly Sit-Up, 10 repetitions
Workout: AMRAP 10 Minutes. Do one rep of each exercise the first round, then two reps, then three reps, and so on, until time is up.
Dumbbell Thruster (33# per dumbell)
Strict, No Kip Pull-Up
400m Walk
Core Workout: 15 repetitions of each of the following exercises. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Heel Touch
Knee Pull-in
Leg Lift
Have a Great Day!!
Warm-Up: Complete a 5 minute AMRAP of:
Jump Rope, 40 repetitions
Burpee, 5 repetitions
20" Box Jump, 10 repetitions
Butterfly Sit-Up, 10 repetitions
Workout: AMRAP 10 Minutes. Do one rep of each exercise the first round, then two reps, then three reps, and so on, until time is up.
Dumbbell Thruster (33# per dumbell)
Strict, No Kip Pull-Up
400m Walk
Core Workout: 15 repetitions of each of the following exercises. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Heel Touch
Knee Pull-in
Leg Lift
Have a Great Day!!
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Quick Workout Post
Warm-Up: 6 minutes as many rounds as possible
20" Box Jump, 10 repetitions
Hand Release Push-Up, 10 repetitions
Walking Lunge, 10 repetitions per side
Strict No Kip Pull-Up, 5 repetitions
Workout: Perform 21 repetitions of each of the exercises below to complete a round. Then complete 15 repetitions of each for the second round and then complete 9 repetitions of each exercise for a third round. Complete the three rounds for time.
Kettlebell Swing (32kg)
24" Box Jump
AbMat Butterfly Sit-Up
400m Slow Jog
Core Workout: Complete 15 repetitions of each of the exercises below. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Heel Touch
Knee Pull-in
Leg Lift
Grip Training:
Captains of Crush Grip Trainers, 5 sets of 15 repetitions per hand
Have a Great Day!!
20" Box Jump, 10 repetitions
Hand Release Push-Up, 10 repetitions
Walking Lunge, 10 repetitions per side
Strict No Kip Pull-Up, 5 repetitions
Workout: Perform 21 repetitions of each of the exercises below to complete a round. Then complete 15 repetitions of each for the second round and then complete 9 repetitions of each exercise for a third round. Complete the three rounds for time.
Kettlebell Swing (32kg)
24" Box Jump
AbMat Butterfly Sit-Up
400m Slow Jog
Core Workout: Complete 15 repetitions of each of the exercises below. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Heel Touch
Knee Pull-in
Leg Lift
Grip Training:
Captains of Crush Grip Trainers, 5 sets of 15 repetitions per hand
Have a Great Day!!
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Armed Forces Day and the Workout

Slow Jog, 1 mile
Workout: Perform each exercise in order to complete a round. Three rounds for time.
Jump Rope, 50 repetitions
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift to High Pull (32kg), 40 repetitions
Kettlebell Goblet Squat (32kg), 30 repetitions
Hand Release Push-Up, 20 repetitions
Strict No Kip Pull-Up, 10 repetitions
400m Walk
Core Workout: Perform 15 repetitions of each of the following exercises in order. No rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Lying Heel Touch
Knee Pull-In
Lying Leg Lift
Have a Great Day!!
Friday, May 20, 2016
"Rest" Day.... Yeah Right
Time to call it a day! I hope you had a good one!
Thursday, May 19, 2016
DT Hero Workout and the Last Day with the Barbell for Awhile

Warm-Up: Complete a 5 minute AMRAP of:
Jump Rope, 40 repetitions
AbMat Butterfly Sit Up, 15 repetitions
100m Run
Wall Ball Shot, 10 repetitions
Workout: "DT", 5 Rounds For Time. Each repetition starts from the floor.
Deadlift (155# / 105#), 12 repetitions
Power Clean (155# / 105#), 9 repetitions
Jerk (155# / 105#), 6 repetitions
400m Slow Jog
Core Work: Complete 15 repetitions of each exercise in order with no rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Lying Heel Touch
Knee Pull-In
Lying Leg Lift
Have a Great Day!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Tomorrow Will be a Sad Day and the Workout
Today the packing continued. Most things are in boxes and squared away, just waiting for the ABF trailer to arrive on Friday. Tomorrow however things will change here. The Rogue Power Rack is coming down and getting ready for the big move to Chattanooga. It will be great to actually have a real garage for the garage gym once we arrive! It will take the trailer a few days to get there and we will unload it on June 3rd. Starting Saturday morning, workouts are going to either be bodyweight or dumbbell focused.
Warm-Up: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Three sets total. No rest between exercises or sets.
Pull-Up, 5 repetitions
Jump Rope, 40 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
100m Run
Metabolic Conditioning For Time: Perform each exercise in order. No rest between exercises. Record your time when complete.
Box Jump (24"/ 20"), 50 repetitions
Kettlebell Swing (50#/35#), 40 repetitions
Burpee, 30 repetitions
Wall Ball Shot (20#/14#), 20 repetitions
Strict No-Kip Pull-Up, 10 repetitions
200m Walk
Core Workout: Perform each exercise in order with no rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick, 10 repetitions
Lying Heel Touch, 10 repetitions
Knee Pull-In, 10 repetitions
Lying Leg Lift, 10 repetitions
Have a Great Day!!
Warm-Up: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Three sets total. No rest between exercises or sets.
Pull-Up, 5 repetitions
Jump Rope, 40 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
100m Run
Metabolic Conditioning For Time: Perform each exercise in order. No rest between exercises. Record your time when complete.
Box Jump (24"/ 20"), 50 repetitions
Kettlebell Swing (50#/35#), 40 repetitions
Burpee, 30 repetitions
Wall Ball Shot (20#/14#), 20 repetitions
Strict No-Kip Pull-Up, 10 repetitions
200m Walk
Core Workout: Perform each exercise in order with no rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick, 10 repetitions
Lying Heel Touch, 10 repetitions
Knee Pull-In, 10 repetitions
Lying Leg Lift, 10 repetitions
Have a Great Day!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Watching the Money Fly Away and the Workout: Short and Not So Sweet

Warm-Up: Complete a 6 minute AMRAP of:
Butterfly AbMat Sit-Up, 15 repetitions
Prisoner Lunge, 10 repetitions per side
PVC Wraparound, 20 repetitions
Push-Up Plank Hold, 30 seconds
Tabata Workout: Athletes will rest with the bar in the rack position. Back rack for back squats and front rack for shoulder-to-overhead.
Back Squat (135# / 95#)
Shoulder-to-Overhead (135# / 95#)Core Work: Ten repetitions per exercise, no rest between exercises.
Flutter Kick
Lying Heel Touch
Lying Knee Pull-in
Lying Leg Lift
Shoulder Girdle Stretches
Monday, May 16, 2016
Stress and the Workout
We are about to say goodbye to visitors who have been visiting for graduation. Once they are safely on their way we will begin to pack up our lives and make a big move across the country to our new home in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Moving, starting new jobs (hell for me FINDING a new job...), figuring out finances, purchasing a new home.... these major life changes can cause a lot of stress.
The good news is that having a supportive partner in your life that you can turn to, maintaining a healthy diet, getting a good night's sleep and having a regular exercise routine will greatly reduce that stress. In fact, as each day draws us closer to our move to Tennessee, our level of excitement rather than apprehension seems to grow!
If you are feeling the stress or are down, take the lyrics of David Wilcox to heart:
"Get some sleep, eat some broccoli
Run a mile, take a shower
You're just down inside yourself
You're just down inside yourself!"
Warm-Up: Complete 6 minutes of as many rounds as possible. Remember though that this is just a warm-up:
Push Up, 10 repetitions
Jump Rope, 40 repetitions
AbMat Butterfly Sit Up, 15 repetitions
PVC PassThrough, 20 repetitions
Workout: "Linda" (aka "Three Bars of Death"). Weights given are maximums. Scale the weight appropriately for your ability. Perform10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 repetitions of the triplet for time. Set up three bars to reduce time changing plates.
Deadlift, 1.5 of bodyweight
Bench Press, Bodyweight
Power Clean, .75 body weight
Hamstring and Lumbar Stretches
Have a Great Day!!
The good news is that having a supportive partner in your life that you can turn to, maintaining a healthy diet, getting a good night's sleep and having a regular exercise routine will greatly reduce that stress. In fact, as each day draws us closer to our move to Tennessee, our level of excitement rather than apprehension seems to grow!
If you are feeling the stress or are down, take the lyrics of David Wilcox to heart:
"Get some sleep, eat some broccoli
Run a mile, take a shower
You're just down inside yourself
You're just down inside yourself!"
Warm-Up: Complete 6 minutes of as many rounds as possible. Remember though that this is just a warm-up:
Push Up, 10 repetitions
Jump Rope, 40 repetitions
AbMat Butterfly Sit Up, 15 repetitions
PVC PassThrough, 20 repetitions
Workout: "Linda" (aka "Three Bars of Death"). Weights given are maximums. Scale the weight appropriately for your ability. Perform10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 repetitions of the triplet for time. Set up three bars to reduce time changing plates.
Deadlift, 1.5 of bodyweight
Bench Press, Bodyweight
Power Clean, .75 body weight
Hamstring and Lumbar Stretches
Have a Great Day!!
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Active Rest Day!
It has been a good week of exercise and today will be an active rest day away from the weights. It is great to wake up and think "Oh yeah, those are some muscles that I used yesterday that I do not hit very often...." Those overhead squats yesterday definitely put a whoopin' on some rarely used muscles!
Steady Pace Row, 25 minutes
Have a Great Day!!
Steady Pace Row, 25 minutes
Have a Great Day!!
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Dogs Love Dogs and the Workout

Enter the Tennessee Valley Australian Cattle Dog Rescue. We filled out the five page application and plan to visit the rescue to look for a young match for our own little Heeler. Biscuit is a good looking dog!!
Warm-Up: Complete each exercise in order to complete a set. Three sets total at a warm-up pace
Air Squat, 15 repetitions
Double Under or Single Under, 20 repetitions or 40 repetitions
20"Box Jump, 10 repetitions
Wall Ball 16#, 10 repetitions
Strength Training:
Back Squat, 5 sets of 3-6 rep
100m Farmer's Carry, 3 rounds
Metabolic Conditioning: "Nancy", 5 Rounds For Time.
400 Meter Run
Overhead Squat (95# / 65#), 15 repetitions
Couch Stretch
Have a Great Day!!
Friday, May 13, 2016
Tonight's Workout
Stepping up the workout tonight. All cleans will go down to an "ass to the grass" front squat.
Steady State Row, 3 minutes
Warm-Up Super Set: Perform each exercise in order. No rest between exercises.
Clean and Split Jerk, 10 repetitions
Single Leg Glute Bridge, 30 seconds per side
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch, 5 per side
Pushup Plank Hold, 45 seconds
Strength Training:
Clean and Split Jerk, 1 set of 5 repetitions @ 40%, 1 sets of 5 repetitions @ 50%, 1 set of 5 repetitions @ 60%
Heavy Dumbbell Snatch, 5 sets of 1-2 repetitions per side
Metabolic Conditioning: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Four sets total. No rest between exercises.
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 53#, 16 repetitions
Medicine Ball Push-Up, 16 repetitions
400m Run
400m Walk
Steady State Row, 3 minutes
Warm-Up Super Set: Perform each exercise in order. No rest between exercises.
Clean and Split Jerk, 10 repetitions
Single Leg Glute Bridge, 30 seconds per side
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch, 5 per side
Pushup Plank Hold, 45 seconds
Strength Training:
Clean and Split Jerk, 1 set of 5 repetitions @ 40%, 1 sets of 5 repetitions @ 50%, 1 set of 5 repetitions @ 60%
Heavy Dumbbell Snatch, 5 sets of 1-2 repetitions per side
Metabolic Conditioning: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Four sets total. No rest between exercises.
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 53#, 16 repetitions
Medicine Ball Push-Up, 16 repetitions
400m Run
400m Walk
Medical School Graduation and Yesterday's Workout
Yesterday was a huge day here. Four years ago, at the age of 37 years old, Rebecca started medical school. Last night we went to her graduation and her parents and I had the honor of hooding Rebecca as she finished school. After that she took the Hippocratic Oath and became a doctor. I started this blog to have conversations about being middle aged and continuing to exercise. Compared to completing medical school at 41 years old, that is a cake walk!!! We are very, very proud of our new doctor in the family!
Warm-Up: Perform each exercise in order for one minute each to complete a set. Two sets total. No rest between exercises.
Jumping Jack
Hand Release Push-Up
AbMat Butterfly Sit-Up
Weight Training:
Bench Press, 5 sets of 2-10 repetitions
Axle Bar Wrist Curl (Pronated and Supinated Grip), 3 sets of 15 repetitions
Incline Parallette Push-Up, 3 sets of 15 repetitions
Alternating Dumbbell Concentration Curl, 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Dumbbell Fly, 3 sets of 10 repetitions
400m Run with 25# Plate
Chest Stretches
Have a Great Day!!
Warm-Up: Perform each exercise in order for one minute each to complete a set. Two sets total. No rest between exercises.
Jumping Jack
Hand Release Push-Up
AbMat Butterfly Sit-Up
Weight Training:
Bench Press, 5 sets of 2-10 repetitions
Axle Bar Wrist Curl (Pronated and Supinated Grip), 3 sets of 15 repetitions
Incline Parallette Push-Up, 3 sets of 15 repetitions
Alternating Dumbbell Concentration Curl, 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Dumbbell Fly, 3 sets of 10 repetitions
400m Run with 25# Plate
Chest Stretches
Have a Great Day!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Atlas Stone Platform, Family Coming In Hot and the Workout
Long story short, but I had to make a new Atlas Stone platform to go to Tennessee with us. I had the tools here, the scrap wood... just had to get it done. Of course, it has to be built pretty stout. Meanwhile, we had family coming in for medical school graduation tomorrow night and got the workout in. Fun, busy day. Then Max Scherzer struck out 20 batters in nine innings?! That is amazing.
Warm-Up: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Two sets total. No rest between exercises.
20" Box Jump, 10
20" Step Up, 10
Barbell Good Morning, 10
Strength Training:
Back Squat, 7 sets of 5 repetitions
GHD, 5 sets of 15 repetitions
Standing Weighted Calf Raise, 5 sets of 15 repetitions
AbMat Butterfly Sit-Up, 40 repetitions
Quadriceps Stretch
Have a Great Day!!
Warm-Up: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Two sets total. No rest between exercises.
20" Box Jump, 10
20" Step Up, 10
Barbell Good Morning, 10
Strength Training:
Back Squat, 7 sets of 5 repetitions
GHD, 5 sets of 15 repetitions
Standing Weighted Calf Raise, 5 sets of 15 repetitions
AbMat Butterfly Sit-Up, 40 repetitions
Quadriceps Stretch
Have a Great Day!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Did I say Same Ol' Caps? I Did Didn't I? The Workout

Jump Rope, 100 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 10 repetitions
PVC Wraparound, 10 repetitions
AbMat Sit-Up, 40 repetitions
Push Press, 7 sets of 1-5 repetitions
Triceps Cable Pushdown, 5 sets of 8-10 repetitions
Dumbbell Side Raise, 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions
EZ Bar Skull Crusher, 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions
Barbell Shoulder Shrug, 5 sets of 8-10 repetitions
Shoulder Girdle Stretches
Have a Great Day!!
Another Busy Day and P.R.I.D.E.
It was another busy day yesterday but I live by the motto P.R.I.D.E.: Personal Responsibility In Doing Exercise. Ran around doing various work tasks and then had to hustle out to dinner with friends who we may not see again for a long time. But still figured out a way to get in some for of exercise.
Row Steady State, 20 minutes
Have a Great Day!
Row Steady State, 20 minutes
Have a Great Day!
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Quick Workout Post
I will try to do more tomorrow with the blog post. Tonight I will just post the workout.
Warm-Up: Perform each exercise in order for one minute each to complete a set. Two sets total. No rest between exercises.
Jump Rope
Kettlebell Swing
AbMat Sit-Up
Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift, 7 sets of 4-6 repetitions
Pendlay Row, 5 sets of 4-6 repetitions
Wide Grip Pull-Up, 5 sets of maximum repetitions
Barbell Good Morning, 5 sets of 8-10 repetitions
Cool Down:
Trunk Twist with PVC Pipe
Jog, 400m
Have a Nice Day!!
Warm-Up: Perform each exercise in order for one minute each to complete a set. Two sets total. No rest between exercises.
Jump Rope
Kettlebell Swing
AbMat Sit-Up
Strength Training:
Sumo Deadlift, 7 sets of 4-6 repetitions
Pendlay Row, 5 sets of 4-6 repetitions
Wide Grip Pull-Up, 5 sets of maximum repetitions
Barbell Good Morning, 5 sets of 8-10 repetitions
Cool Down:
Trunk Twist with PVC Pipe
Jog, 400m
Have a Nice Day!!
Saturday, May 7, 2016
The Closing Has Begun and the Workout
The last courses have gone home from NOLS Southwest. People have started to load up their old Subarus and Toyotas and are preparing to head to places north of here.... just in time to dodge the heat. We are waiting 'til everyone else has left and then we will start getting our act together for the big life changing move to Chattanooga.
Warm Up:
Jumping Jack, 2 minutes
Strength: After each of the sets below do 15 repetitions with the Captains of Crush Grip Trainers with each hand. Total of 23 sets.
Bench Press, 7 sets of 1-5 repetitions
Alternating Dumbbell Curl, 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions
Dumbbell Fly, 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions
Strict Chin-Up, 5 sets of 10
Dip, 5 sets of 15 rep
Chest Stretches
400m Walk
Have a Great Day!!
Quick Post of Yesterday's Workout
We went to have dinner with friends and got back later than expected. Prior to dinner I got in this quick and pretty painful workout.
Jump Rope, 2 minutes
Strength Training:
Back Squat, 7 sets of 1-5 repetitions
Standing Weighted Calf Raise, 7 sets of 10 repetitions
Romanian Deadlift, 7 sets of 4-6 repetitions
Jog, 400m
Have a Great Day!!
Jump Rope, 2 minutes
Strength Training:
Back Squat, 7 sets of 1-5 repetitions
Standing Weighted Calf Raise, 7 sets of 10 repetitions
Romanian Deadlift, 7 sets of 4-6 repetitions
Jog, 400m
Have a Great Day!!
Friday, May 6, 2016
Yesterday's Workout
Last night was our end of season party that had a "Barnyard" theme.... I went as a Dutch Belted Bull Calf. Long story. I did however workout prior to the party but didn't get the post in before bed. So here you go with leg day to follow later.
400m Weighted Run 25#
Warm-Up Super Set: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Two sets total. No break between exercises.
Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension, 10 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 10 repetitions
PVC Wraparound, 10 repetitions
AbMat Sit-Up, 20 repetitions
Barbell Ground to Overhead, 7 sets of 1-5 repetitions including a one repetition maximum lift
Metabolic Conditioning: AMRAP in 12 minutes. Scale weight appropriately.
Front Plate Raise 35#, 10 repetitions
Medicine Ball Push-Up, 10 repetitions
Push Press from the Rack 115#, 10 repetitions
400m Walk
Have a Great Day!!
400m Weighted Run 25#
Warm-Up Super Set: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Two sets total. No break between exercises.
Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension, 10 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 10 repetitions
PVC Wraparound, 10 repetitions
AbMat Sit-Up, 20 repetitions
Barbell Ground to Overhead, 7 sets of 1-5 repetitions including a one repetition maximum lift
Metabolic Conditioning: AMRAP in 12 minutes. Scale weight appropriately.
Front Plate Raise 35#, 10 repetitions
Medicine Ball Push-Up, 10 repetitions
Push Press from the Rack 115#, 10 repetitions
400m Walk
Have a Great Day!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Same Ol' Caps and the Workout
Caps went down to the Pens in overtime tonight. After the expletives had subsided it was really hard not to think, "Same ol' Caps". We are running out of seasons that Ovechkin will be great to keep getting sent home early from the playoffs.... again. But, hey at least the Nats blew up the Royals!!
Warm up:
Jump Rope, 3 minutes
Warm-Up: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Two sets total. No rest between exercises.
TRX Row with Supine Grip, 10 repetitions
Barbell Good Morning, 10 repetitions
24" Box Jump, 10 repetitions
Butterfly AbMat Sit-Up, 20 repetitions
Strength Training:
Deadlift, Seven sets of 1-2 repetitions
Metabolic Conditioning: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Five sets total. No rest between exercises.
Strict Wide Grip Pull-Up, 15 repetitions
Dumbbell Pullover, 10 repetitions
Sumo Deadlift to High Pull, 5 repetitions
400m Walk
Foam Roller Work
Have a Great Day!!
Warm up:
Jump Rope, 3 minutes
Warm-Up: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Two sets total. No rest between exercises.
TRX Row with Supine Grip, 10 repetitions
Barbell Good Morning, 10 repetitions
24" Box Jump, 10 repetitions
Butterfly AbMat Sit-Up, 20 repetitions
Strength Training:
Deadlift, Seven sets of 1-2 repetitions
Metabolic Conditioning: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Five sets total. No rest between exercises.
Strict Wide Grip Pull-Up, 15 repetitions
Dumbbell Pullover, 10 repetitions
Sumo Deadlift to High Pull, 5 repetitions
400m Walk
Foam Roller Work
Have a Great Day!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Busy Day.... Just Rowing
All over the place today. Just going to hit the rowing machine.
Steady State Rowing, 20 minutes
Have a Great Day!!
Steady State Rowing, 20 minutes
Have a Great Day!!
Monday, May 2, 2016
Ted, Bernie: Move On Dot Org.... and the Workout

Steady Pace Run, one mile
Warm-Up Super Set: Perform each set in order to complete a set. Two sets total. No rest between exercises.
Hand Release Push-Up, 15 repetitions
Strict Chin-Up, 8 repetitions
AbMat Butterfly Sit-Up, 15 repetitions
Strength: Complete each exercise in order to complete a set. Seven sets total. No rest between exercises.
80% 1-RM Bench Press, 5 repetitions
Captains of Crush Grip Trainers, 15 repetitions per hand
Metabolic Conditioning: perform each exercise in order to complete a set. Five sets total. No rest between exercises.
Dumbbell Fly, 20 repetitions
Axle Bar Curl, 15 repetitions
Burpee, 10 repetitions
Strict Chin-Up, 5 repetitions
400m Walk
Chest and Shoulder Girdle Stretches
Have a Great Day!!
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Obama's Last White House Correspondent's Dinner and the Workout
I will miss Obama. I think once the dust of history settles, once the old white obstructionists in Congress have moved on, once we are able to look back with 20/20 hindsight... people will realize that Obama was a damn good President. Saved the U.S. auto industry, pushed through the Affordable Care Act, authorized the attack on Osama Bin Laden and kept the world economy from spiraling out of control. Was he perfect, no. But, he has been pretty damn good. "Obama. Out."
Warm-up: Complete each exercise in order to complete a set. Two sets total. No rest between exercises.
Air Squat, 15 repetitions
AbMat Butterfly Sit-Up, 15 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
Wall Ball Toss, 20 repetitions
Weight Training: Complete each exercise in order to complete a set. Two sets total. No rest between each exercises. All exercises will be done with 95#. For each exercise, the bar will come from the floor.
Overhead Squat, 10 repetitions
Strict Overhead Press, 15 repetitions
Front Squat, 20 repetitions
Push Jerk, 25 repetitions
Back Squat, 30 repetitions
Push Press, 35 repetitions
Quadriceps and Shoulder Girdle Stretches
Have a Great Day!!
Warm-up: Complete each exercise in order to complete a set. Two sets total. No rest between exercises.
Air Squat, 15 repetitions
AbMat Butterfly Sit-Up, 15 repetitions
PVC Passthrough, 20 repetitions
Wall Ball Toss, 20 repetitions
Weight Training: Complete each exercise in order to complete a set. Two sets total. No rest between each exercises. All exercises will be done with 95#. For each exercise, the bar will come from the floor.
Overhead Squat, 10 repetitions
Strict Overhead Press, 15 repetitions
Front Squat, 20 repetitions
Push Jerk, 25 repetitions
Back Squat, 30 repetitions
Push Press, 35 repetitions
Quadriceps and Shoulder Girdle Stretches
Have a Great Day!!
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