Today was the last workout until I return from my NOLS field contract. It was a good leg day and time to put all of this exercise that I do to work. These workouts are done mostly so that at 45 years old I can continue to hang with the 19-year old students in the field. It has worked up 'til now and you know what they say about old dogs... Today's quote is from Joseph Chamberlain: "You cannot teach and old dog new tricks." Workout: Legs Warm-Up: Spin Bike Routine in Target HR Range, 20 minutes Weight Training: 50m Weighted Sled Drag, 3 25m Barbell Weighted Lunges, 3 GHD, 3 sets of 15 repetitions Abdominal Crunches, 50 repetitions Super Set: 25m Weighted Sled Push, 3 Calf Raises, 3 sets of 50 repetitions Have a Great Rest of February!!! See you in March!
Working on Saturday getting two courses de-issued, de-briefed and graduated. Everyone at the base is doing their part to wrap it all up. Today is a day off from the weights. Tomorrow is the last day of lifting before I start my field contract. Active Rest Day: HIIT Spin Bike Routine, 30 minutes Have a Great Day!!
We went to dinner with a group of friends tonight. It was a great time but it has gotten late so I am just going to quickly post this morning's workout. Morning Circuit: Perform each exercise in order to complete a set. One minute break between sets, three sets total. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press Dumbbell Shoulder Shrug Dumbbell Side Raise Alternating Front Dumbbell Raise Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension Dumbbell Triceps Kickback Diamond Triceps Push-Up Have a Great Day!!
This weekend our two Southwest Outdoor Educator Courses wrap-up so as a base we got today off from work. It is very easy when working for NOLS to forget what day of the week it is. When I am in the field I don't even try. It is a great day though to get studying in, laundry done and to get in a strong back workout. Today's quote is from Anna Paquin: "If I don't do laundry today, I'm gonna have to buy new clothes tomorrow." Workout: Back Morning routine: HIIT Spin Bike Routine, 45 minutes Afternoon Routine: Warm-Up: Perform each exercise for one minute. Jumping Jacks Barbell Good Morning Trunk Twists Step-Ups Abdominal Crunches Weight Training: Sumo Deadlift, 5 sets of 1-2 repetitions (Primary muscles worked: Erector spinae group: Spinalis, logissimus, iliocostalis, and biceps femoris) Fat Grip Dumbbell Snatch, 5 sets of 3-5 repetitions (Primary muscles worked: Upper and lower trapezius, rhomboids, deltoids, infraspinatus, teres minor) Bent Over Dumbbell Row, 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions (Primary muscles worked: Latissimus dorsi) Weighted Pull-Up, 3 sets of maximum repetitions (Primary muscles worked: Latissimus dorsi, infraspinatus, teres major and minor) Landmine Torso Twist, 3 sets of 6-10 repetitions (Primary muscles worked: Internal and external obliques) Have a Great Day!!
I am continuing to move toward getting ready to go into the field as part of the river instructor team for the Spring Semester in the Southwest. I am trying to wrap up all of my in-town work in preparation for the three week field contract. Having a job that is mostly in-town and part-time field instructor is a nice balance. Right now I am excited to go to the field again. Today there were three of us for the evening workout, so we did a heavy lifting session for the chest, biceps and forearms. There were not a lot of exercises, but they were each pretty strenuous. Today's quote is from Cate Blanchett: "If I had my way, if I was lucky enough, if I could be on the brink my entire life - that great sense of expectation and excitement without the disappointment - that would be the perfect state." Workout: Chest and Biceps Warm-Up: Perform each exercise for one minute each. Jump Rope Trunk Twist Abdominal Crunches Weight Training: Bench Press, 5 sets of 1-10 repetitions, ending with a one repetition maximum press (Primary muscles worked: Pectoralis major, anterior deltoids, triceps brachii) Weighted Dip (Bodyweight +up to 85lbs.), 5 sets maximum repetitions (Primary muscles worked: Anterior deltoids, pectoralis major and minor, triceps brachii) Dumbbell Fly, 3 sets of 10 repetitions (Primary muscles worked: Pectoralis major and minor) Super Set: Axle Bar Biceps Curl, 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions (Primary muscles worked: Biceps brachii, flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris) Wrist Roll Up, 3 sets to failure (Primary muscles worked: Flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris) Have a Great Day!
Today we had a group workout with five folks that showed up in the evening. It was a short 35-ish minute circuit, but it was brutal. The five of us were working out and Rebecca came home from med school and none of us greeted her. "No one made eye contact with me. Everyone seemed to be suffering through their own personal hell." Today's quote is from Florence Griffith-Joyner: "You were born to run. Maybe not that fast, maybe not that far, maybe not that efficiently as others. But to get up and move, to fire up that entire energy-producing, oxygen-delivering, bone-strengthening process we call running." Workout: Legs Morning Routine: HIIT Spin Bike Routine, 30 minutes Evening Circuit: Complete each exercise in order to complete a set. Three sets total. Short water break between sets. 400m Run 100m Weighted Sled Drag 24" Box Jump, 30 repetitions Barbell Back Squat, 30 repetitions 20m Weighted Walking Lunge Abdominal Crunch, 50 repetitions 100m Farmer's Carry Have a Great Day!!
Today is a day that I dread a little bit each year: The day that the NFL season ends. It has been an incredibly bad year for the NFL between the domestic abuse involving Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson, Colts owner Jim Irsay getting busted with a bag full of prescription drugs in his car, owner Dan Snyder and the Redskins' racist name that he refuses to change and of course Deflate-Gate. Still, after all of that crap... I will miss the NFL. At least 'til August when it starts all over again. Today's quote is from Superbowl XLIX MVP Tom Brady: "Football is unconditional love." Workout: Shoulders and Triceps Warm-Up: Perform each exercise in order for one minute to complete a set. Three sets total. No rest. Jump Rope Abdominal Crunch Heavy Rope Whip Weight Training: Barbell Push Press, 5 sets of 1-6 repetitions (Primary muscles worked: Deltoids, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, medialis and intermedius) Front Plate Raise, 3 sets of 10 repetitions (Primary muscles worked: Anterior deltoids) Barbell Shoulder Shrug, 3 sets of 10 repetitions (Primary muscles worked: Upper trapezius, scapulae levator) Dumbbell Side Raise, 3 sets of 10 repetitions (Primary muscles worked: Lateral deltoids, suprapinatus, trapezius) Super Set: Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension, 3 sets of 10 (Primary muscles worked: Triceps brachii) Diamond Triceps Push-Up, 3 sets of 20 repetitions (Primary muscles worked: Triceps brachii) 85 lbs. Log Toss for Distance, 3 (Primary muscles worked: Deltoids, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, medialis and intermedius) Have a Great Day!!
Who in their right mind throws the ball from the one yard line with under a minute to go when you have Marshawn Lynch in the backfield and the Superbowl is on the line?! Unreal. At least my boss the Patriots fan will be happy after getting to watch the game in person! Just a quick workout post after a lot of great food and football. Workout: Back SISU War Hammer Swing, 3 sets of 15 repetitions per side Tire Flip, 3 sets of 5 repetitions per side Super Set: Landmine Torso Twist, 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions Abdominal Crunch, 3 sets of 50 repetitions Weighted Wide Grip Pull-Up, 5 sets of maximum repetitions Have a Great Day!! Especially if you are a Patriots fan!!